Choosing to act with courage is a choice. Being courageous means you are afraid to do something but choose to do it anyway. If you want to do something you’ve never done, you will need to choose to be courageous because you will be afraid, or at least, you will feel uncertain. This fear is a natural response to protect yourself and to keep you safe. While never taking any chances may keep you alive, it doesn’t help you explore your potential or expand your capacity. I believe God designed us all for a specific purpose, and in living that purpose out, we will be uncomfortable at times… extremely uncomfortable at other times. That’s why God commands us to be courageous (Joshua 1:7)… because to do what he asks us to do and to fulfill our potential, we will feel fear, uncertainty, and be tempted to play it safe rather than trust Him. It takes courage to go against natural instinct to play it safe and step out in faith and trust God when you feel like he is asking you to do something you are afraid to try. However, the more you choose to be courageous, the easier it becomes because you learn to embrace uncertainty and you actually get to experience the exhilarating feeling of God providing a way for you. Sometimes, you achieve the result you desired. Sometimes, you may not get the result you desired, but you will see that He will cause things to work out for your good (Romans 8:28). The more you do this, the more your faith grows and the more you trust God to do what he says he will do… But, it all starts with your decision to be courageous. Today, choose to be courageous!